CrookedGlass Studios: Blog en-us (C) CrookedGlass Studios [email protected] (CrookedGlass Studios) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:43:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:43:00 GMT CrookedGlass Studios: Blog 120 47 SandeeCan Blog: Photography Background Setups: VALENTINES DAY Hello again :) I wanted to post a Valentine's Day background setup. Valentine's Day can be the slowest season for a children photographer like myself. So, there are many things I do to make the best out of the sessions I do have.

I try to be a honest photographer to say that my business is slower from January until February 22nd or so, but I do not do boudoir sessions. I have around 10-13 sessions only from this time. So, background and prop cost must remain LOW.

The photographers during this time always bring it hard with cute, cute ideas. So, you have to really collect over the years to not spend a lot during this time to max out profits.

The background in the image can be found online if you look up PHOTOGRAPHY BACKGROUNDS I purchased this one for $70 it is vinyl.

I have no ties with the company I use and never been treated "special" so no need to name them.  Just remember when buying backgrounds to be careful and read the photographer comments first. 

Patience is totally a way to go. Have an idea? Plan it for the next season. I love Hobby Lobby on Danforth and Kelly in Edmond, Ok. The people treat me so well and I always find PRE-SALES on Holiday items. Rock out on that!!

During the planning of our cupid sessions. My hubby, Shawn and I, thought of ways to make the bow and arrow to be easily destroyed. (There is nothing more depressing than an expensive prop that is destroyed right in front of your face before it has made it's money back. We decided to use our famous photography tree in our backyard the upside down mulberry tree. Love that tree! 

We thought ahead to make the bows a bit stronger to withstand the children. I had Shawn make two different sizes to match ages for my already planned sessions.  

-The wings were traded from another client for pictures, and I added to them with duck down feathers we had from our ducks. 

We bent them over simply and bound them with thick hemp. Cut the ends in a way to secure the hemp from slipping off when child play with it. 

 I needed to make a super small arrow that could be totally destroyed. So I found some $.99 toothpick cupcake decorations and taped them together. It worked so well and was so super cute.  

During Valentines Day season, I keep my favorite idea up for the duration and add personal things per session to make it "custom." 

Have fun and Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

[email protected] (CrookedGlass Studios) Backgrounds Blog Children CrookedGlass Day Do Edmond Family How Oklahoma Photography Portraits Props SandeeCan Studios Valentines it to yourself Thu, 12 Feb 2015 00:31:05 GMT
SandeeCan Blog: Debunking the Scary World of Grant Writing. Part Two

I attended the Adult & Career Development Programs for Business, Management & Administration's Grant Writing Workshop at FrancisTuttle Tech Center.

It was a three week class and I learned everything I could possibly ever want to know about writing grants. The class was fantastic, and the teacher was also an elementary school teacher. She explained everything SOOOOO well :) 


We will continue on from the

Guideline Descriptions in Part One:

if you have not read

Debunking the scary world of Grant Writing Part One.

You will want to go back and look it up. Before reading on.


Thank you.  


Terminology: there is so much terminology I split it up in groups as they are used instead of all together. 


Grantee- organization or individual that receives a grant. (you)

Grantor- organization that makes the grant.

Elevating/Monitoring- ongoing assessment of the progress of the grantee's activities by the grantor. 

Grant or Cooperative Agreement Application- written request asking for money from a government agency, foundation or corporation.

**most grants are awarded to organizations that have 501(c)(3) status with 3-4 years of filed 990's with the IRS and complete up to date Fiscal records, usually asked to have a QuickBooks. (Grantor's may not promote it, but they prefer it.)


501(c)(3)- is an exemption from paying federal income taxes. 

Proposal- normally a free-flowing grant request. (They say this in class, but in real life you better follow their guidelines)

RFP-Request for Proposal- A grant making agency such as a foundation will issue a RFP: which signifies that funds are available from the granting agency and they are inviting submissions of proposals by strict deadlines. 

RFQ-Request for Quote- same as RFP, but mainly used for businesses seeking a contractual relationship.

Funding or Budget Plan-an internal examination of the organizations strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; so you can look at the multitude of the areas where grants are awarded to prioritize your funding needs.   

Matching Funds- grant funds that are awarded with the requirement that you must match or exceed the funds granted by the grantor with another grant.

Most FOR PROFIT grants are like this, but matching grants can be matched by a supporter as well, like in my case once, my husband helped me.

Matching Fund grants also can be a door opening grant, they are a bit easier to get and adds to your grant resume.

Grant Resume- a list of grants that you have been awarded over time.

Cost Sharing- (another easy FOR PROFIT grant) this is a method of "matching funds" in which  you, the grantee, agree to put up a certain amount in order to make your proposal more attractive.

Capital Support- money for equipment, buildings, constructions, and endowments. These types are hardest to get and not quickly funded; often taking 2-3 years to build relationships and for total funds to be rewarded.  

Corporate responsibility- when a successful business starts making a financial commitment to the community where its headquarters or where it has operation locations.

Private-Sector Funding or FOR PROFIT: funding provided by foundations and corporations. 

Foundation- provides funds for specific projects. Usually have strict application and reporting requirements. 

Community Foundation- such like United Way. Makes grants only within specified geographic areas and only 501(c)(3) organizations.


Always Remember: Cause-----> Effect.  


Getting Started








How much?

How much time will you need to set aside for the completion of grant? (think 8 hours per question)


So, is part one making

any sense at all 

now that you have read

part two thus far?

 I hope so, I know it is a lot of information. 


Let us talk about Finding Funders

First steps to finding funders is setting up a Prospect Worksheet or Funnel 

-Basic Information: date, address, contact person, phone number.



Types of Funder

*Remember we are focusing on Private Sector or FOR PROFIT Grants

Government or Direct Grants-

Go to the catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) @ it provides a full listing of all federal programs available in your state. Read them to decide if it is a private sector or 501(c)(3) grant. If it qualifies for you, then write the information down on your Prospect Worksheet.

Then go to site will give you daily funding announcements on monies available in your area.

--->Words of Advice: use an email that can receive excessive emails that will not overwhelm other emails. You get many that you won't qualify for, so read the details.

Foundation FundingFamily, Community, and Corporate foundations are particularly interested in programs that improve the lives of individuals within their communities. **Art & Photography usually fall under this kind of funding.

Visit to locate foundations and grants. (It is the largest online database of foundations and corporate grants.)

Some other sites:

When looking for grants remember that

-65% to 80% of proposals are disqualified because they don't match the grantor's interests.

-Competitive grants, which are grants that require you to compete with other grant applicants for a limited amount of money.

-Formula Grants- monies disbursed by state agencies to applicants based on a preset formula. 501(c)(3) usually.  


Create a Funding Plan:

-Be proactive in grant seeking & grant writing.

-Mix government grants with foundation and corp grants.

(Never put all your stones in one basket) 



Collaborative Partners- can be government, city, social, and human service agencies. These partners can help you get a grant, but mostly for 501(c)(3) 

For Profit could be galleries and agencies you would like to work with. 

Community Partners- list who you know and work closely with. (they should know you by name without being reminded.)

No Facebook connections, unless they have become face to face and personal.


Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)-working agreements that spell out the scope of services that will be preformed by the partner agency or your company. 

-------->Spotting Scams!<--------

-The government will not contact you to offer you a grant.

-There are no fees associated with applying for government grants.

-All government grants require an application process.

-Government grant application and information is free.


Thank you for your time.

Please subscribe to my blog: SandeeCan 

[email protected] (CrookedGlass Studios) CrookedGlass Edmond Grant Guthrie Lessons Okc Photography Portrait SandeeCan Step Studios Writing by instructions sessions Wed, 04 Feb 2015 19:35:14 GMT
SandeeCan Blog: Debunking the Scary World of Grant Writing. Part One

My first class was at Metro Tech in Stillwater, Oklahoma in early 2010. I was connected to the programs through the Guthrie Chamber of Commerce. I read that they had a business series in the chamber newsletter. I attended the class for Grant Writing, it taught about both NONPROFIT and FOR PROFIT grants, but we only covered the subject of nonprofits briefly. The class taught mostly how to fill out the grants, which is one of the most important steps. I felt a little lost at the time, but thinking back on it now, it was the perfect class to take first.

My main question was How do I start? I am not going to tell you that it is easy by any means. It isn't, but it isn't that hard either.

-It all starts with getting your business in order. Are you registered with the State of Oklahoma or your state? You need to be. That is about $75 for registering your name, and I paid I think $125 to become a LLC. 

-Remember I said earlier that I had a membership to QuickBooks online. Yes, if you want to apply for a grant from anyone in this day and age, you better have an up to date fiscal account.

****From experience of applying for grants, I have learned that you really need a Fiscal year (12 months) for your company or more with filed tax statements. Nonprofits are 3 to 4 years. 

Then, Register at the Dunn & Bradstreet website

-Federal/State Grant Makers Require this for all applications. 


SO---> feeling good? I did, but I will admit. I learned most of this not in class, but through trial and error. Embarrassing trial and error, but I made some friends in high places that remember my dumb ass....smartest dumb girl they ever 


Lets finally get to the class:

I want to say that the Metro Tech in OSU country was one of the cleanest schools ever. We had coffee and bagels. It was very nice. I was nervous. The class was 2 hours and we covered a ton of information. I felt I jumped in. So, I am going to add my experience with the steps. It may help to grasp it all a bit better.

Application Kits: 

-How do you get an application kit?

-Can you just go online and apply? sometimes, I learned usually not. Most companies have online applications, but only accept "request only" applicants. Usually invited by a member of the organization. So, that it the hard truth. Most of the time it pays to know people.   

Let us start with some general terms so you can follow me


Different Types of Grants:

-Government/State Grants: Usually are for 501(c)(3) status only. Let's skip this.

-Foundations: Perfect for Photographers and Artists. Be sure to READ EVERYTHING. Apply to For Profit grants.  Most pay half or meet you half way financially. Make sure you have the funds set aside BEFORE you start asking. They check. Don't be embarrassed. My husband thankfully saved my butt a few times in this area. Thanks honey !

Foundations usually require:

-Cover letter

-Cover sheet/Cover form

-Narrative including description of your business and your request. (if you are a person that has a problem "asking" you will have to get over it, or not waste your time.)

Words of advice from me: Don't gloat, remember you NEED them for something. They have no idea who you are, don't assume they care. Your narrative is your chance to make them care.

I also have learned from talking to different foundations that they love, love, love attachments. They just need to be "WOW" attachments.

What is an attachment?  Attachments are like photos, scales, graphs, etc. of you doing something that has to do with the question they are asking. Answer the question briefly and then say "see attachment" for us photographers it is right up our alley. Make sure the attachment is a really good image, graph or scale, don't half ass it. Remember they don't know you. Are you going to let that bad attachment define you? That needs to be your mindset. REALLY.


-Grants and Sponsorship for Corporations: grant requests can vary, BUT as photographers this is a great revenue to try.

TIPS I HAVE LEARNED---->Use their exact template. It may state use if you want, but they will throw it out. You should conform to them from the start. Usually you can just download it from the website

-They want information short and to the point. Class will tell you differently, but I have had 6 grants kick back due to having to much describing information. 

Corporate Letter Request Format to be used:  (this is from class)

-Bullets are a plus.

-You need no fluff in opening sentences,

*Bulleted facts about:

a.) Your company and goals.

b.) What are your expanded needs and how can they benefit you.

c.) Straight forward request for what you want

d.) Goals and objectives that will be met with funding.

e.) Reason why you requested their company for request. (oh my Gosh, do not put because they are giving away money, be creative.)

f.) Paint with words the big picture of how the Corp. can impact your business, as they clearly win as well.

-------->Follow Application Guidelines<---------

Always do EXACTLY what they ask for NO EXCUSES!



Now that you're smarter now on terms and lingo.

Let us move on..... 

You feel smarter, right?


Let's ask the original question again.

How Do I Apply? 

The sad truth is grants are scarce now, most foundations and companies are asking for a simple LETTER OF INTENT/INQUIRY that you can usually find on their website. It is not a full proposal-(so don't make it one! it will be thrown out.)

If they accept you they will invite you to complete an application. (this has been the way I have applied for all my grants, and it feels SO GOOD when they reply asking for a full application. They usually give you an entirely different link to apply.) 

  -So, let's pretend you have been asked to apply by a company or foundation-

What to expect: The company or foundation will send you a new contact to submit information usually. They will send you a link to download their APPLICATION GUIDELINES: I can not stress enough to READ, READ, READ every word. Wrap your mind around what they want and how you can match their needs to make them want to sponsor you. FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES!!  



-Get online and check out the company or foundation.

-What are their mission and goals?

-Who have they helped before?

-How much did they give?


After you do your homework, then go back to Following the Guidelines and reading the application again

-Highlight all the questions you will have to answer and materials/supplies/equipment/other needs you have to include. 

-Remember Foundations and Corporations will need a COVER LETTER.

-Provide a clear, to the point overview of your company, purpose and reason for the amount of funding requested.

****Tips from me on Cover Letters****

-The grants that I have written, were accepted, and awarded monies to us had one thing in common. I had added a little area that showed how my proposal furthers the funders ratings and business.

-Type your COVER LETTER on boring letterhead.


Summary/Abstract- Very important, overlooked all time. Major reason most applications are thrown out. Think about it. Give it 30 minutes to a hour.

-It is a 3 to 4 sentence paragraph that has to combine a bunch of information without duplicating yourself.


-who are you?

-what your projector (long term) goals are

-how much are you asking for? 

-what you want to do

Don't forget my added bit, that seems to work:

-why you will succeed and make them profit and succeed

Your cover letter is done now....let's move on.


Proposal/Narrative Bodycongratulations, most applicants that submit grants do not get this far they say. The cover letter is that important.

The Narrative Body is the body of the application. Usually answering the questions the Application Guideline asks. (Keep this wording elegant and simple, all your fancy wording should of been used on your cover letter.)

This is a tricky area. Requires homework and thinking. 


This guideline I learned in class, mixed with the companies guidelines, have been successful for me.

General Grant Writing Guideline:

-Introduction to you as a company/your background: 

briefly about you, when you started, your purpose, location

Do not say you've been running around with a camera since a child crap....grrrrr. Be creative, honest & simple. Think THEM, not you so much, even though you are talking about yourself. 

-Do write about major accomplishments like being in a newspaper for business reasons or your work published in a non-digital print magazine or book. Believe it or not, the online digital sites anyone can start and feel special. Foundations are the real deal, they don't care about fluff or what awards you won in high school.

-Write about Current Programs and Activities like current programs/shows/setups your involved in. Be brief and attach brochures, flyers, newsletters, and photos. Show you walk the walk. 

-Description/demographics of your business community- This is pretty important. Usually on the nonprofit side it kind of benefits to be in a less targeted population, but FOR PROFIT-unless stated, they want your neighborhood to be nice. They usually check your tax bracket. 

**Tips: Write about your local connections you have business wise. Who are your local business people? Are they your clients? Like me, I work with The City of Edmond as their photographer for events. I have worked with business owners in Edmond, Okc, Guthrie and surrounding areas in Oklahoma. Belong to 3 different chambers, mention this positive stuff as your business community.

**Think NETWORKING makes your business community bigger. NO FACEBOOK clubs. Think REAL STUFF.


-Proposed Initiative-

-This is where you write about what you plan to do with the grant monies.

-Be detailed. enclose "WOW" attachments  

-State your intentions simply & directly in one or two sentences.

**Tip: start like this, "The purpose of this request is to....."     


-Problem Statement/Statement of need-

-write about the problem you will combat with the awarded funds 


-Give Goal

-Give steps on how you will accomplish the goals


-Project Budget- in my opinion, this is the hardest part.

-Be honest

-Be specific and realistic on what you need to spend

-Show that you will use their money wisely

-Ask for lowest grant first, then through time, ask for more.

-Submit Fiscal records, if they ask. Do not submit information not asked!


That's it! You applied for a grant!

**Tips** Make sure not to offer anything to them that could be considered a bribe. I offered a session to a lady once and she knew I was just dumb, so she quietly told me what was up. Then later at the last class I heard how they get A LOT of bribes and they just throw the applications out. Just think to yourself, is their business or your joke worth $10,000? Probably not. 


In Part Two we will go into things further from a different, deeper aspect.  Wording, how to find grants to apply for, stay tuned....

Please Follow My Blog SandeeCan


[email protected] (CrookedGlass Studios) CrookedGlass Edmond Grant Guthrie Lessons Okc Photography Portrait SandeeCan Step Studios Writing by instructions sessions Wed, 28 Jan 2015 21:34:12 GMT
SandeeCan Blog: Debunking the Scary World of Grant Writing . Introduction  

I want to express first that I am not an expert Grant Writer. Grant Writing is very hard if you try to do it your way.

How do I know what I know? I had a wonderful idea about 7 years ago to start teaching photography to children ages 5-18 and taught for 2 years free to my clients.

Then in a continuing education photography class, I met a wise man that gave me the idea to start a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. I came home to my boyfriend at the time, now my husband, telling him of my brilliant idea. Poor man, I do love him.

Long story short, about $5,000 later in classes, application fees, paying for summer camps to have an active program to even apply to nonprofit, holding classes in on my property, we had to upkeep memberships to different places to attend classes and all the little stuff.

We created Children's Visual Art Academy, Inc. Ran it for 3 successful seasons on donations, mostly from my photography company and Shawn. No one wanted to donate to children learning photography. I received the worst emails from my photography peers. It was hard.

So, God stepped in and I was awarded a 2 year membership to Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits for $50! They have many classes that taught me everything I know. I have met some of the best people doing such wonderful things. Being green as heck, I spoke about some of my photography ideas and had a program stolen...BUT, it helps so many people. Who am I to say it wasn't the 10%?

Anyways, I am ranting.....funny I mention the OCFNP first because they had the best grant class last. It is just that they opened the doors for everything else. I became so close with all of them. They are the real deal, the ladies did not see me as a "dumb girl they had to help" they saw me as a clean slate starting a nonprofit by the book. That is exactly what I did, we were awarded the 'Standards of Excellence'. I am proud of it, but have to admit in this day of political standing. No one cared when it came to writing a check.

It is harder than ever to run a nonprofit without the proper 3 to 4 years of financial statements from IRS. You can be a nonprofit and not be a 501(c)(3). We paid $990 to become a 501(c)(3) to apply for grants. Struggling. I searched the book stores for grant books...nothing. I ordered a few online ( I will post )

Bottom line: I took a bunch of classes, I won 2 grant writing awards and then they didn't grant me the grant. funny. Everyone promises everything and wants to change the program or whatever, so we are turning it back FOR PROFIT and running it totally sponsored at The City of Edmond Mac Center. They are meeting all my dreams for the program and paying me to run funny life is. 

So, as you read the words of my madness...know, I spent a lot of money on this stuff. I hope it helps. This is all nonprofit talk, but two of my classes were grants in general. I have applied everything I have learned to FOR PROFIT grants and have received 2 small grants. 

I am focusing on FOR PROFIT GRANTS myself in the future as I go after my dream building. It is closer than it has ever been. God is good. 


Classes I attended are going to be written in PARTS.

Part One: Metro Tech

Part Two: Francis Tuttle 3 week class

Part Three: Oklahoma Center of Nonprofits Funders Forum


You will have to follow my blogs to keep up. God Bless. Thanks for listening. I hope you learn something.

What else am I to do with all I learned? This is good for me as well.






[email protected] (CrookedGlass Studios) Blog CrookedGlassStudios Edmond Grant Guthrie OKC Oklahoma Photographer SandeeCan Writing Wed, 28 Jan 2015 02:04:36 GMT
SandeeCan Blog: DIY Photography Prop Making:Ribbon Backgrounds  

Today I made a ribbon background as my client wanted. I made sure she text/emailed me a image of the child's outfit and went from there.


  I have a little tip!! If you find yourself with short ribbons. Hot glue the smaller ribbon pieces together to make a long one! 

[email protected] (CrookedGlass Studios) Blog DIY Edmond Photographer Prop SandeeCan making Sat, 24 Jan 2015 23:14:48 GMT
Awesome Start

Hello. I have been taking many classes. I am a bit behind on my posting dates. I was to post on Wednesday and it is Saturday. My hope is to post once a week. I have many exciting things for us to do and try together :) Please follow my blog.

If you ever need to contact me my email address is [email protected] or contact me on fb under Sandee Hunt-Brady

[email protected] (CrookedGlass Studios) DIY Edmond Photographer Photography Prop SandeeCan backgrounds blog making ribbon Sat, 24 Jan 2015 23:06:09 GMT